January 29 - Capuchin church of the Conception, the first Roman church dedicated to the Immaculate Conception (1630)

"The Vocation of the Creation as a Whole is a Feminine Vocation"

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© Shutterstock/Immaculate

Mary, our sister in humanity, a model for saying "Yes" to each vocation:

The Virgin Mary, like all of us, is God's creature and for this very reason she is "one of us", our sister in humanity... but our Immaculate sister! This is why Mary is our model: she is a model to follow along the path leading to Christ, in our own personal lives. She is a model for the entire Church - a model not only of feminine vocations - Mary is a model of all vocations.

To imitate Mary means to imitate the One who pronounced the words "let it be to me according to your word." (Lk 1: 38) to the angel Gabriel before he left her. These words are the echo of the perfection of God's creature. She is the perfect Spouse. Since every human vocation before the Lord is a spousal vocation (1): one day we will all be called to pronounce the "let it be to me according to your word", opening up the Kingdom of Heaven.

Marian Encyclopedia

(1) "The Vocation of the Creation as a Whole is a Feminine Vocation" by Yves Fauquet, Capuchin Friar, one of the commentators and annotators of the Canon Osty's Bible. He wrote a book in French called Voici et me voici in the Bible (“Behold and Here I am in the Bible”, Anne Sigier Editions, Canada).


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