January 7 - Our Lady of Charity (Rumilly, France) - Feast of Saint John the Baptist (Maronite and Byzantine liturgies)

Hawaii Catholics reflect on the importance of the Rosary: a powerful way to meditate and pray

© Unsplash/Bruce Warrington
© Unsplash/Bruce Warrington

In Hawaii, a number of parishes and religious and lay orders reflect the importance of the rosary within the Catholic Church.

Nita Ayag, president of the Legion of Mary, said that throughout October, the organization visits homes with a statue of Mary and prays the rosary with families.

Bishop Larry Silva said he prays at least two rosaries daily. “When the Maui wildfires broke out in August 2023, I immediately thought that one way we could all help was to pray the rosary for the victims,” Bishop Silva said. “We did a ‘Zoom’ rosary that night, and even though the notice was very short, I believe about 100 people joined us for the rosary.” [...]

When Father Anthony Tran was growing up, praying the rosary felt “repetitive and robotic” and wasn’t very enjoyable.

Learning about Marian apparitions in high school, however — especially at Fatima, where one of the children could not see Mary until he prayed the rosary correctly — had a profound impact on Father Tran, who serves as parochial vicar at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa in Honolulu. He said he realized the importance of prayer and, as he entered the seminary and added the rosary to his routine, “came to understand that Mary intercedes for us, helping us grow closer to her son, Jesus Christ.” Now, Father Tran said, the rosary is even more central to his spiritual life.

Esther Gefroh, co-director of the World Apostolate of Fatima-Hawaii division, promised to pray the rosary daily in college, but for years prayed “in a hurry, distracted and with no meditation at all.”

Now, “by the grace of God and Our Lady’s help,” she prays the rosary with deeper devotion and meditation.

Several priests, as well as Bishop Silva, interviewed for this story cited their families as having an early influence on their prayer habits.

Father Ace Tui, parochial vicar of St. Anthony Church in Wailuku, and Sacred Hearts Father Herman Gomes, parochial vicar of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Pearl City, said their mothers prayed the rosary when they were growing up. While in seminary formation and as ordained clergy, both found the rosary to be a guiding light and a comfort in tough times.

Dominican Sister Lergie Tabasa also said her mother, who prayed the rosary almost every night, was also influential in her devotion.

Father Anthony Rapozo, pastor of St. John Apostle and Evangelist Church in Mililani, described the rosary as having a calming effect. It helps keep him “focused on whose work I am really doing, which is Jesus’.”

Father Dario Rinaldi, pastor of Holy Family Church in Honolulu, also said he finds calm and connection through praying the rosary.

Bishop Silva urged all “to turn to the Lord in prayer in this simple way — even to pray the rosary while driving or cleaning the house.


Celia K. Downes, for the Hawaii Catholic Herald, September 25, 2024

Adapted from www.hawaiicatholicherald.com


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