September 4 - Our Lady of the Good Shepherd - Blessed Catherine of Racconigi (1487-1547)

Mary is a wonderful matchmaker!

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© Shutterstock/felixthecat6

Five years ago, I went to Medjugorje (1) and there I wrote a short letter to the Virgin Mary, telling her that I wanted to get married, and that I would like  her, “Our Lady of Medjugorje”, i.e. “the Queen of Peace” as she calls herself there, to find me a husband.

A few years later, my best friend went to Medjugorje with Club Medj, and on her return the group organized a rosary on the Champs de Mars in Paris, to which she invited me.

After refusing their invitation several times, I finally went, and there, praying to “Our Lady of Medjugorje” - the Queen of Peace - I met Jean-Baptiste, the man I'm married to today. 

We even have the joy of being parents to a little Karol. I think Mary in Medjugorje comes especially for families: after all, all the visionaries are married! Mary is a wonderful matchmaker!

Marie's personal testimony

Međugorje is a town in Bosnia-Herzegovina that is home to a Marian shrine and has become a Catholic pilgrimage site since the first apparitions of the Virgin Mary on the “hill of apparitions” in 1981.

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