November 26 - Our Lady of Remedies (Mexico)

Virgin Mary, teach me how to pray to you

© Shutterstock/Armando Oliveira
© Shutterstock/Armando Oliveira

I take up the pen, Mary, to speak to you, I who pray to you so little! Indeed, I pray to your Son, to the Spirit, to God, but almost never spontaneously to you, the mother of Jesus.

Maybe it's because my Italian mother prayed almost exclusively the Hail Mary, and for me, the most important thing was my relationship with God, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit? I don't know...

But today I'm in your house, in Lourdes, and I ask your forgiveness for this lack of trust in you. It was my mother who, in 1990, when I was 43, took me to the grotto for the first time as part of a pilgrimage organized by the Toulon diocese. Her two children, me and my brother, had undergone major operations, and in a gesture of absolute confidence, she entrusted us to you.

My conscience, but not my faith in you, is what prompted me to accompany her. What a mistake! On the spot, I was overwhelmed by the immense faith that carried your people. I come back to Lourdes sometimes on my own, sometimes on diocesan or national pilgrimages to visit you, but I still find it hard to pray to you.

You the absolute trust, you the afflicted, tried and broken mother, teach me how to pray to you: the rosary is too repetitive for me and becomes mechanical after a while. Teach me how to pray heart-to-heart with you.

With all my affection, thank you Mary.




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