May 22 - Saint Rita of Cascia, Augustinian nun - Our Lady of Graces (Brescia, Italy, 1526)

In Brescia, Italy, Mary has been bestowing divine graces for over ten centuries!

© CC BY-SA 3.0/Wolfgang Moroder
© CC BY-SA 3.0/Wolfgang Moroder

When the people of Brescia talk about the church of the "Madonna delle Grazie" (Our Lady of Graces), it is with much love and pride. This place is dear to them and steeped in history, art and faith.

On September 8, 1290, Bishop Berardo Maggi laid the foundation stone of the Shrine of the Humiliated Fathers of Palazzolo, who placed there the image of the Mother of God, already sacred and the object of public veneration for the abundance of graces dispensed there.

On May 22, 1526, the first miraculous manifestation of the Virgin's image was witnessed by numerous people who saw Our Lady miraculously open and close her hands and eyes, as if imploring some favor from the Divine Child Jesus, who responded with the same sweet gestures. The Bishop of Brescia, Mgr Paolo Zane, approved and confirmed what had happened. 

March 17, 1963: the present church acquired the status of "Roman Minor Basilica" by decree of Pope John XXIII.

The church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is a true marvel in the heart of the city. A symbol of the Italian Renaissance, it was built between 1463 and 1497 on the ashes of the first chapel named after the Vergine delle Grazie. Crowds flock here at all times to pray to her: 

"O Virgin Mary of Graces, We ask only one thing of you, our Mother: help us to love, adore and serve Jesus with all our heart and with all our strength, so that everything we are may be fixed there, where true life lies. Amen." (Excerpt from the official prayer to Our Lady of Graces of Brescia)

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