May 15 - Our Lady of Light (Mexico)

I made up my mind: I chose Mary!

© Shutterstock/Ajdin Kamber
© Shutterstock/Ajdin Kamber

During my pilgrimage to Medjugorje (1), I was a little frustrated: since I was divorced and in a romantic relationship, I couldn’t receive absolution or Holy Communion! When I came back from Medjugorje, I realized that, above all, I had to make a change, and make a decision.

I made up my mind: I chose Mary! But how could I get my boyfriend to accept my decision? I would ask Mary for the break-up to come from him, that way it'd be easier for me and, most importantly, there would be no turning back! 

Back home, well, it didn't happen like that! First of all, for two days, I really asked Mary to give me the words to say, so that my boyfriend would understand my decision, and this morning, he came and asked me about my trip. I explained to him in the simplest terms that I had a choice to make, and that by choosing "Mary", I had to end our relationship. He told me he respected my decision, and thanked me for everything I'd given him... Then he hugged me like he'd never hugged me before! A great tenderness and complicity was born between us.

Mary hasn't forgotten me with this grace! I feel so light-hearted, I feel like taking another 20-hour bus ride to Medj! I still have to consolidate this decision, and this testimony is a commitment on my part to Mary! I am going to go to confession again, to receive absolution for my sins and be able to receive Holy Communion: it's so beautiful! Thank you so much Mary.

Testimony of M.M.

Note: Medjugorje is a town in Bosnia-Herzegovina which is home to a Marian shrine that has become a destination for Catholic pilgrims from all over the world since the apparitions of the Virgin Mary began on "Apparition Hill" in 1981.

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