March 28 - Maundy Thursday - Our Lady of Bocciola (Italy, 1543) - Pilgrimage of the Great Return of Our Lady of Boulogne ( France, 1938)

Jesus' arrival in the Upper Room and his farewell to his Mother

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Shutterstock/Teo K

In volume 9 of The Gospel as Revealed to Me (1), on the evening of Holy Thursday, Jesus arrives at the Upper Room with his apostles, where he is reunited with his Mother. Like Him, Mary understands that his Hour has come. Despite her deep sorrow, she doesn't make a scene. She is as solemn as her Son. Jesus greets his Mother and commends himself to her prayers:

 "Mother, I have come to get strength and comfort from You. I am like a little baby, Mother, who needs the heart of his mother for his grief, and his mother’s breast for his strength. In this hour I have become Your little Jesus of a long time ago. I am not the Master, Mother. I am only Your Son, as in Nazareth when I was a little boy, as in Nazareth before departing from My private life. I have but You. Men, at the present moment, are not friendly with and loyal to Your Jesus. They are not even brave in doing good. Only the wicked are constant and strong in doing evil. But You are faithful to Me and You are My strength, Mother, in this hour. Support Me with Your love and Your prayers. Among those who more or less love Me, You are the only one who knows how to pray in this hour. You know how to pray and to understand. The others are concerned with the festivity, they are engrossed in joyful thoughts, or in criminal thoughts, while I am suffering from so many things.

Many things will die after this hour, and among them their humanity, and they will be able to be worthy of Me, all of them, except him who got lost and whom no power can bring back at least to repentance. But for the time being they are unconscious men who do not perceive that I am dying, while they are rejoicing thinking that My triumph is more than ever close at hand. The hosannas of a few days ago have intoxicated them. Mother, I have come for this hour and from a supernatural point of view it is a joy to see it arrive. 

But My Ego is also afraid of it, because this chalice bears the name of betrayal, abjuration, ferocity, blasphemy, abandonment. Support Me, Mother. As when with Your prayers You drew the Spirit of God upon Yourself, and through it You gave the world the One Expected by peoples, draw now upon Your Son the strength that may help Me to accomplish the deed for which I came. Mother, goodbye. Bless Me, Mother; also on behalf of the Father. And forgive everybody. Let us forgive together, as from this moment, let us forgive those who torture us."

Excerpt from The Gospel as Revealed to Me, by Maria Valtorta, vol. 9 (599.4)


(1) Maria Valtorta was a Catholic Italian mystic and writer; a Franciscan tertiary and a lay member of the Servants of Mary. She reported personal conversations with, and dictations from, Jesus Christ, gathered mainly in the 10 volumes of The Gospel as Revealed to Me.

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