March 14 - Virgin of Saint Theodore (Russia) - Saint Matilda of Ringelheim, Empress of Germany (d. 968), patron saint of large families

Saint Matilda of Ringelheim, patron saint of large families


Saint Matilda of Ringelheim or Maud of Ringelheim (b. circa 896), daughter of the Westphalian Count Theodoric of Ringelheim, was the wife of the Duke of Saxony, the future Henry the Oisealer, King of East Francia, and the mother of Otto I, founder of the Holy Roman Empire.

Once widowed, she had some disagreements with her sons. The latter gradually  stripped her of most of her possessions, which they accused her of squandering.
She devoted the rest of her life to charitable works and prayer. She founded numerous religious institutions, including a theological center and four Benedictine monasteries, including Quedlinburg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany), where she died and was buried in March 968.

Her great piety and deep Marian devotion earned her canonization, her veneration being especially widespread in Saxony and Bavaria. The Catholic Church celebrates her on March 14. She is the patron saint of large families, and is invoked to help parents in conflict with their children.

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