To live in the Spirit, live in Mary! It's a surprising perspective, but not a new one. Great witnesses to the Spirit such as Marthe Robin, Maximilien Kolbe, Father Marie-Eugene and, of course, Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort have all contributed in modern times to highlighting the Virgin Mary's place in the plan of salvation for mankind.
The "secret of Mary" is that Mary herself is God’s secret. God gave Mary the gift of giving birth to the Word within her, to the Word within us, and of introducing us to life in the Holy Spirit.
God's joy was to "deliver" his Son into the hands of the Virgin Mary, so that she could be his Mother. In return, if I want to become a son in the Son, Christ invites me to surrender myself to Mary, who is "the Mother" (Jn 19:26). The more I include Mary in my prayer, contemplate, and love her, the more God receives adoration, even if my heart is occupied with her.
The Hail Mary, the perfect Marian prayer, is Christological, for we say, "and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." How could we separate the Mother from the Son? The more I give myself to Mary, the more she gives me to God. And the more I give myself to Mary, the more I allow the Holy Spirit to fill me.
Father Joël Guibert
Renaître d'en haut, Une vie renouvelée par l'Esprit Saint, Ed. de l'Emmanuel, 2008