June 28 - Saint Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon and martyr (d. ca. 202)

Mary is at the summit of the “theology of history”

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The plan of creation gives meaning to existence: life exists for a purpose, to fulfill a divine project. This purpose is the Incarnation: God made man so that men and women might share in divine life. And the Incarnation comes about through Mary.

The plan of Redemption gives hope in spiritual warfare. Christ replaces Adam: he is the New Adam; the cross replaces the tree of the fall; Mary replaces Eve: she is the New Eve. This constitutes a plan of “regeneration”.

It is also a “recapitulation” in which everything finds its meaning and orientation in Christ.

So we see that Mary is at the summit of the “theology of history”.

Saint Irenaeus establishes a correspondence between the creation of Adam from a virgin earth and the Incarnation of Christ within the virgin earth of the Virgin Mary:

“If Adam was created from virgin earth, not yet tilled, therefore by the virtue and power of God (cf. Gen 2:4b-7), the new Adam too must have his origins in virgin earth, by the same power and virtue of God. Mary is the virgin earth from which Christ becomes 'firstborn'"(1).


Marian Encyclopedia

Irenaeus of Lyon, Against Heresies, III 18,7 I

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