© Shutterstock/Andrzej Rostek
© Shutterstock/Andrzej Rostek

It is in the Virgin Mary that you will best appreciate the value of supernatural life and deep spirituality. Each and every one of Mary's actions and thoughts, no matter how small, were inspired by Jesus. Not a single minute of her life was spent away from him. Our Lady's existence is all about interiority. For her, there is no separation between action and contemplation, for contemplation permeates action, while action is born of contemplation.

The rosary is a chain of prayers that will associate you with her. It's also a kind of “movie” that will remind you of all the stages of her journey of hope: her tenderness in Bethlehem, her torment during the flight to Egypt, her silence and work at Nazareth, her fervor in the temple, her deep feelings at hearing her son, and later St John, preach; in short, it is the story of two lives that are one, because the Lord lived in her, and she in him. Don't neglect the rosary that your mother, Mary, entrusted to you, recommending that you live like her, with her, through her and in her.

Francis-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan (1)

Excerpt from The Road of Hope, chapter 35 - Our Mother Mary, § 937 and 922  

(1) Francis-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan was Coadjutor Archbishop of Saigon in 1975. Immediately arrested by the Communist police, he spent 13 years in Viet Minh jails, including 9 in solitary confinement. After his release, he became President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Created Cardinal by John Paul II in 2001, he died on September 16, 2002. He is now Venerable.

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