January 12 - Our Lady of Vetrana (Italy) - St Aelred of Rievaulx (d. 1167)

The importance of praying the Rosary in the Public Square

Unsplash/Adrianna Geo
Unsplash/Adrianna Geo

To pray the Rosary in public is a powerful way to promote its recitation! Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer.

Our culture openly flaunts sin: abortion, same-sex “marriage.” Our Rosary is a public act of reparation for these sins hurled against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The public Rosary will console God!

At Fatima, Portugal, on Oct. 13, 1917, our Blessed Mother performed a Miracle of the Sun. Seventy thousand people, including atheists, communists and anti-Catholics were present. The sun appeared in the sky to rotate and fall towards Earth; it had been pouring rain.

The Earth had been saturated, but immediately it dried up. The people thought it was “The End,” but the sun went back into the sky and many converted.

Our Rosary was one of more than 22,000 rallies being held at the same time all over the United States of America.

The event had a prayer program including the Immaculate Mary, Angelus, Holy Rosary followed by Fatima prayers to be prayed after each decade, Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Prayer of Total Consecration, Divine Praises and Hail Holy Queen.

Lucille Krump,  Oct 16, 2023 


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