February 26 - Virgin of the Muscovites (Virgin “Meschecia”, Russia, 1492)

Thank you Mary for helping my son reconcile with us


On June 10, 2001, I submitted a prayer request to the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Maranatha Shrine in Chicago, USA, to put an end to a misunderstanding that had severed all relations with my dying son and his wife. For a year now, despite unsuccessful efforts, we had had absolutely no contact with them.

I was devastated that my son had Lou Gehrig's disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) - which in itself was horrible enough - not to mention the fact that I live in Ohio and they live in South Carolina. But not being able to talk to him or see him broke my heart. I dropped off my prayer request on a Sunday, and on Tuesday, my mom called to tell us that my daughter-in-law had said my son wanted to see both of us!
We just got back and I'm still on a cloud. I was able to tell him again how much I love him, how proud I am of the man he has become, and how he is still my hero.

Thank you Mary for this miracle for my son, for my mother and above all for my husband - I love them all so much - and You Holy Mother, thank you above all, yes above all for bringing them all into my life and for granting this mother (that I am) her prayer request. I love you Mary, now and always.

R.M.R. - Mentor, Ohio, USA - June 12, 2001


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