February 5 - Our Lady of Chernigov (Ukraine)

Jesus speaks to his Mother


In this excerpt from True Life in God (a mystical text that received the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat from two bishops) (1), Jesus addresses his Mother:

“O Masterpiece of My Father! O Sublime Masterpiece of Yahweh! Spouse to My Holy Spirit! My Radiant Tabernacle! … Your Heart is My enclosed garden, a sealed fountain; your Heart is a Fountain that makes the gardens fertile; your Heart, Adorable One, is My Throne, on which I have been honoured …how can any of My creatures deny Your Heart? You, the Ark of power, all vested in virtues, My New Song, My Harp, My Citadel, in whom the Maker of heaven and earth is ravished by Your magnificence, You who stand in Our Presence, stand ever so close to all who invoke You; yet, how has man fallen so low and taken a deceptive path to deny Your Heart?”

Here Jesus speaks to each one of us:

“Look, not only have I assigned Her as the Queen of My Angels and My creatures but I have assigned Her to be My Throne; the Queen of heaven and earth is the Throne of the King of kings, for I, the Lord of All, have placed Her as first in My Sacred Heart;
born to be My Crown of Splendour, born to be the Vessel of the True Light who was made flesh from David’s line, born to be My honour and My boast, the Spirit with Me and the Father said:
“Mary full of grace, We are with you; We will hide none of the secrets from You, Our Breath will be your breath, pure emanation of Our Glory, Mary, Our image of Our Goodness, We give you Our Peace in Your Heart; in this perfect Heart I, the Son, shall triumph; Our Heart will be Your Heart, a burning furnace of divine love; Our Soul will be Your Soul,[44] an august treasure, a Paradise for Us; Our Spirit will be Your Spirit; yes, for anyone who is joined to Us is one spirit with Us.”

Excerpt from: Vassula Rydén, True Life in God (Volume 5). Apple Books. p.231-233

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