December 27 - Mary Mother of St John - First apparition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Paray-le-Monial (France)

In contact with the humble incarnate God, Mary and Joseph experienced a transformation of the traditional Hebrew spirituality


Joseph and Mary were brought up in the patriotic and religious spirit of their people, chosen to carry the Name of Yahweh among the nations. (...)

It was the God of Abraham, who appeared to him at Mamre, assuring him of a posterity more numerous than the stars of heaven. “ From now on, all nations will include him in their blessings ” (...).

With Jesus in their home, Joseph and Mary's piety was to take on a higher significance than previously: that of tenderness. An unexpected familiarity manifested itself for them in the Incarnation, and now they could see with their own eyes the Wisdom who plays among men and delights in being with them. Jesus' childhood must have been, for his parents, an adjustment to the non-legalistic spirit of the New Covenant, as they marveled at God's Ways.

In doing so, they must have had to make an interior break with the surrounding form of piety, while outwardly still observing common practices to protect their secret and in solidarity with the rest of the people.

From the book A la découverte d'un prince discret, Saint Joseph

Marian Encyclopedia


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