August 28 - St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church (d. 430) - Our Lady of Tears (Syracuse, Italy, 1953)

A men’s global rosary, to bring back faith to public life (1)

© Shutterstock/chayanuphol
© Shutterstock/chayanuphol

Men from more than 40 countries joined together May 6, 2023, for the worldwide Men’s Rosary, praying on their knees before the Virgin Mary so that men would once again be valued in society and for the conversion of the entire world.

The general coordinator of the Knights of the Rosary apostolate in Mexico, Paco Páez, explained to ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, that by praying the rosary, the participants “want to bear witness, not because of our virtues, but by getting on our knees asking for the intercession of our Most Holy Virgin Mary, so that she would grant us the conversion of sinners, our own conversion, that of our families, and that of the whole world.”

Through this public rosary, he added, they are praying for “the reign of Christ’s peace in our hearts and in our homelands.”

The Men’s Rosary was also held in various cities in Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Ecuador, and Paraguay.

Other countries that also participated were Spain, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Brazil, Honduras, Ukraine, Italy, Croatia, Australia, Indonesia — a majority Muslim country — and the Philippines, the country with the most Catholics in Asia, as well as others.

Páez also noted that the prayer is held in the streets “in the hispanic nations of the Americas, which are culturally Christian, to reclaim the public square for Our Lord Jesus Christ, because a lamp is not lit to be put under the bushel basket, but is placed up high so that it shines throughout the house.”

“We want to take up our call as men in the life of this Church, of this pilgrim Church that is also known as the Church militant,” he continued.


Walter Sánchez Silva

ACI Prensa Staff, May 10, 2023 (CNA)

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