August 17 - Our Lady of Places (Crozant, France, 1664)

“Could we honor Him and despise His Mother?”

© Shutterstock/Renata Sedmakova
© Shutterstock/Renata Sedmakova

What motive would I have to not answer my heart's call when, with a movement of sincere piety and joyful admiration, it wants to hail this daughter of Bethlehem, as the woman blessed among all? She is the mother of the Lord, the mother of my Lord. This is the deepest foundation of my veneration and gratitude for her. 

Already when it comes to natural life, an incomparable aura surrounds the name “Mother”. In a genuine human feeling, the word “Mother”, and all that it implies, evokes something sacred and inviolable. The very name Mother contains all that is most tender and pure in human life. Would you belittle your mother or speak ill of her? Would you want to erase her image from your soul? 

That is why it is obvious to me that if Jesus is dear to us as our Lord and Savior, it must be a matter of course for us to feel warmly and deeply for the woman he called his mother, his own Mother. 

To honor Him and despise His Mother, to glorify Him and belittle His Mother - these things cannot be reconciled if we recognize in Him the true son of Mary, the virgin of the city of David, as we do every time we recite the Apostles' Creed: “I believe in Jesus Christ born of the Virgin Mary”

Pastor Erling Eidem, Herrens Moder (The Mother of the Lord - Variations on the Magnificat)  Uppsala 1929

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