September 13 - Our Lady of Quinche (Ecuador) - Saint John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church

A Muslim Prince in Lourdes

iStock/Getty Images Plus/Armando Oliveira
iStock/Getty Images Plus/Armando Oliveira

The presence of Muslims at Lourdes was beautifully illustrated by an 8-year-old child, the Crown Prince of Morocco. It was like a tale from the Arabian Nights: this child coming, at the request of his father, the King of Morocco, to pray to the mysterious and beneficent Lady of the Grotto of Massabielle, who is also called Myriam and is the Mother of Jesus. 

It was September 14, 1971. Prince Sidi Mohammed, future King Mohammed VI, was accompanied by his three sisters Lalla Meriem, 9, Lalla Asmaa, 6, and Lalla Hasma, 4. With the children were Mr. Aouad, the minister responsible for the prince's education, as well as the governess and her assistant, both French… The man in charge of the Grotto gave them a few brief explanations. With the minister's permission, and at the request of the little prince and princesses, he distributed some images of the Virgin of Lourdes. 

On this occasion, the minister informed him of the King's formal intention to have his children visit Lourdes, and to pray for him, his family and his country. In taking leave of the priest, the minister said: "The King will be very grateful for the welcome given to his children, and I thank you on his behalf."

Journal of the Lourdes Grotto

September 19, 1971

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