September 4 - Our Lady of the Good Shepherd (Italy) - Blessed Catherine of Racconigi (1487-1547)

Catholic Archbishop at Ordination in Kenya: “Consecrate your lives to Christ through Mary”

CC BY-SA 4.0/Philipp Jakob
CC BY-SA 4.0/Philipp Jakob

Newly ordained Deacons and Priests of the Augustinians of the Assumption (AA) in Kenya have been urged to seek the consolation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in their Ministry of service, and to consecrate their lives to the person of Jesus Christ.

In his homily during the ordination of 10 AA members, five to Diaconate, and five to the Priesthood, Archbishop Philip Anyolo Subira also urged the candidates he was about to ordain to serve the people of God after the example of Jesus Christ.

“You are called to serve God by seeking Mother Mary’s consolation in the services that you provide,” Archbishop Anyolo said during the Tuesday, June 20 event held at St. Monica’s Njiru Parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi.

He assured the AA members he was ordaining of the consolation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in their ministry of service.

“The mother of God is a consolation in your lives; consecrate your lives to Christ through Mary Mother of God. She will take care of your life; you will be happy and you will serve the people of God just like Mary did,” the Local Ordinary of Nairobi Archdiocese since November 2021 said.

Silas Isenjia, June 20, 2023 (ACI Africa).

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