October 23 - Our Lady of Frassino (Lake Garda, Italy)

“Dear young people, God has a plan of love for each one of you”

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iStock/Getty Image Plus/doidam10

The following is another excerpt from the message that Pope Francis sent to the participants of the annual Youth Festival, which took place in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, from July 26 to 30, 2023, on the theme "Behold my mother and my brothers" (Mt 12:49) :

“Dear young people, God has a plan of love for each one of you. Do not be afraid of His will, but place all your trust in His grace. For Him, you are precious and important, because you are the work of His hands (cf. Apostolic Exhortation Christus vivit, 115). Only He knows your heart and your deepest desires. Only He, who loves you with an absolute love, is capable of filling your aspirations. No-one, besides God, can give you true happiness. Following Mary’s example, know how to give Him your unconditional “yes”. Let there be no place in your life for selfishness or for idleness. Make the most of your youth to lay, together with the Lord, the foundations of your existence, because your personal, professional and social future will depend on the choices you make during these years.

On this journey, dear young people, may Mary Most Holy accompany you and teach you to discern and welcome the will of the heavenly Father in your lives. With youth, imprint the present time with hope and enthusiasm. Be enthusiastic missionaries of the new evangelization! Bring to those who suffer, to those who are searching, the joy that Jesus wants to give. Bring it into your families, into your schools and universities, into your workplaces and groups of friends, wherever you live. If you allow God's grace to work in you, if you are generous and persevering in your daily commitment, you will make this world a better place for all. I bless you from my heart. And I ask you, please, to pray for me.”

Pope Francis

Rome, June 29, 2023


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