October 21 - Our Lady of Europe

The Annunciation is the first and most beautiful Mass in history


On this Saturday, the day of the joyful mysteries of the Rosary, we meditate on the first joyful mystery, the Annunciation by the angel Gabriel, and unite ourselves to Mary's obedience to God's Word and her inner readiness to respond to his will. The greeting of the angel Gabriel troubles Mary. This upset is only caused by her humility at hearing such praise, so contrary to her own opinion of herself. Mary listens religiously to the Word before consenting to it with all her being. She questions the angel to better understand how the Word will be fulfilled in her.

Mary's response, "I am the handmaid of the Lord", is her fiat, the"Amen", with which she embraces the divine will.  Immediately after Mary's fiat, the Word takes flesh in her. The Annunciation is the first and most beautiful Mass in history.  At Mass, just after we have said our own Amen, the priest presents us with the host, and Jesus descends into our hearts to become incarnate in us.

With God's grace, Mary cooperated with God wholeheartedly, at every moment of her life, even when she didn't understand the hows and whys of what God was doing in her life. Each Hail Mary expresses and increases in us our desire to say "yes" to God in everything he desires us to be and do. "Happy are those who do his will, seeking him with all their heart" (Ps 118).

Mary's "yes" opened the door of salvation for all, and brought the Savior into the world; likewise, our "yes" unites us to Jesus, allowing him to offer his life anew for us.  Jesus awaits us with great longing. "I have called you by name, for you are precious in my sight; you mean much to me, and I love you" (Is 43).

Thank you, Mary, for giving your fiat to the angel Gabriel, thereby becoming the Mother of God. Thank you also, Mary, for silently giving your fiat to Jesus Crucified, who said to you, "Woman, behold your son", thereby asking you to become the mother not only of John, his beloved disciple, but also, through him, the Mother of all his disciples. Allow us to take you into our home as our Mother and Queen, so you may extend your divine maternity over us - over our whole life - teaching us to become ever more true brothers and sisters of Jesus, for the joy of our Heavenly Father. Amen.

Meditation on the first joyful mystery 

By the Missionaries of the Holy Eucharist

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