October 19 - Crowning of a Fatima statue by the Archbishop of Ottawa, to inaugurate a 50-day pilgrimage through 7 dioceses (Canada, 1947)

Mary shows us what Jesus is asking of us

Unsplash/josue rosales
Unsplash/josue rosales

Dear friends, Jesus loves us so such that he identifies with us, and he asks us to work together with him. Mary shows us what Jesus is asking of us: that we journey through life and share in his work. Today, I would like us to look at the image of Mary, and ask ourselves, “What is Mary saying to me as Mother? What is she showing me?”. She is directing us to Jesus; yet, sometimes, she also shows us aspects of our lives that are not going so well, but she always directs us to Jesus. “Mother, what is it that you wish to show me?”. Let us spend a few moments in silence, each one of us asking in our hearts: “Mother, what is it that you wish to show me? What is it in my life that you are concerned about? What is there in my life that stirs your heart?  What is there in my life that interests you? Please, show me”. And her heart directs us thus, so that Jesus will come. And just as she points us to Jesus, she points out to Jesus each of our hearts.

Dear brothers and sisters, today let us sense the presence of Mary our Mother, the Mother who will always say, “do whatever Jesus tells you”. She shows Jesus to us. Yet, she is also the Mother who says to Jesus: “do what these are asking of you”. This is Mary. That is our Mother, Our Lady who hastens to be close to us. May she intercede for us all. Amen!

Pope Francis, August 5, 2023 - Address during the recitation of the Holy Rosary with sick young people, on the occasion of the WYD.

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