November 5 - Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, "Sedes Sapientiae" (Cologne, Germany, 1280)

Mary shows us how much God loves and respects human freedom

CC BY-SA 3.0/Wolfgang Moroder
CC BY-SA 3.0/Wolfgang Moroder

We have certainly heard many a time the dialogue between a young girl named Mary and the Archangel Gabriel, sent by God, at the Annunciation (cf. Lk 1:26-38). We can always go back to this exchange, for it marks a crucial moment in the covenant between God and humankind.

When Mary replied, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word" (Lk 1:38), her "Yes", while apparently changing nothing, was fundamental: At that moment, the Son of the Most High was conceived in her womb. At that moment, a great miracle took place: God became man. Heaven broke into great celebration! 

This scene reveals not only God's immense love for His creatures, but also how He relies on a human response to achieve His plan of salvation. Mary shows us how much God loves and respects man's freedom and desires our cooperation so that Redemption can continue to be accomplished in all souls. 

"In you too, O Mary, are manifested today the strength and freedom of man. After such a great plan had been conceived, the angel was sent to you to announce the message of the divine decision, asking for your consent; and the Son of God did not descend into your womb until you had given the consent of your will. He waited at the doors of your will for you to open to the one who wanted to come to you; He would never have entered if you had not opened the door and said: 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word'(Lk 1:38). The eternal divinity knocked at your door, O Mary, but if you had not opened the doors of your will, God would not have taken on human flesh."(1)

We can never be grateful enough to the Blessed Virgin for saying yes to God's call.

Adapted and translated from: Maria Candela, Chemin # 145

From the Prayers of Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor (OR, XI, Annunciation 1379; G. Cavallini publisher, Rome 1978, pp. 123-129).

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