May 12 - Our Lady of the Forsaken (Manila, Philippines)

"I have a special love for Our Lady of Lourdes"

The auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles in the United States was found dead of multiple gunshot wounds in his house on February 18, 2023. In his last homily, recorded and released by the diocese, Bishop David O'Connell recounted a powerful experience at the shrine of Lourdes in the Pyrenees Mountains (France). The following is an excerpt from his homily:

"Our Blessed Mother said, “Tell them I love them.” She also says, “Tell them there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them.” For all of you. She loves you all very, very much. Like a loving mother, gazing upon all of you who come because of illness, or the stress in your life — or also those who are here who do so much to help those who are ill, like our Knights and Ladies of Malta.

But Our Blessed Mother, she — her heart is filled with love for you. I have a special love in my heart for Our Lady of Lourdes because, in the few times that I’ve been there, you can really feel her love so present there.

For all those who have been there, it’s a beautiful, beautiful experience. Last time I went there, a few years ago, when I went in the gate of the, where the — and the procession was beginning, I think it was the afternoon procession was beginning, I just felt this, I actually began to weep.

Because immediately what came into my heart, my mind, was the memory of when I used to go home to Ireland when my mother was alive, and she would be waiting there at the gate for me. And it was always such a joy to see her, and a joy to see how happy she was that I was home.

The last time I went to Lourdes, that’s exactly the same feeling I got. I could almost feel Our Blessed Mother’s happiness that I was there, and I could feel her love for me, welcoming me home."

The last recorded homily of Bishop David O’ Connell

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