March 13 - Our Lady of Roses (Italy, 1635)

Incredible graces poured on Catholic converts

Farchid and his wife, Iranians of Muslim origin who settled in France, converted to the Catholic faith and in the early 2000s decided to go to Lourdes. Following is his testimony:

"We decided to go to Lourdes, me for a pilgrimage, and my wife to ask for healing for our autistic son. On the evening of the third and last day, while we were taking a souvenir selfie in front of a large statue of the Blessed Virgin, she sent us an incredible grace, which the camera captured. First, a great light appeared behind us, blurring the statue and dancing in the sky. This light was moving around and then focused on the statue, which gradually reappeared, starting with the golden crown, and became as if illuminated from the inside, of a very pure white light. We returned to the hotel.

My wife asked Our Lady inwardly if her prayers would be answered. A few minutes later, she said, "I am thirsty!" Then our son spontaneously presented her with a glass of water, even though she hadn't asked him and he had never done anything like that before. Since that pilgrimage, he has made enormous progress, and even his teachers and educators are impressed!

I could go on for hours like this, because every day, the Lord and the Blessed Virgin show me an incomprehensible and infinite love through their wonders. Without them I was dead, I was already decaying, but I was not aware of it! Today, Jesus is permanently in my heart, I think about him all the time. I pray two hours each day. I watch all my thoughts and words, not out of fear, but so as not to hurt him. 

In conclusion, I would like to insist on the importance of the Rosary. Our Lady herself said it over and over again in most of her apparitions. And then, give your life to the Lord and tell Him from the bottom of your heart, "Your will be done and not mine.""

Adapted and translated from:

S'abonner est facile, se désabonner également
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