June 30 - Feast of the Most Holy Icon of Spoleto (Italy, 1185)

"Whatever the cost, we want to save man," God said to Mary


In 1932, Luisa Piccarreta(1) (1865-1947) published a book entitled The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, about the life of Mary, Queen of the Divine Will.  With maternal love, Mary invites all her children to live in the Divine Will, as she herself has done throughout her life here on earth. In return, she will communicate to them the gift of the Divine Will and guide them step by step in the infinite paths of life in the Divine Will.

In this excerpt from the book, Mary explains that the Most Holy Trinity made her his secretary:

"My Conception surpassed all the wonders of Creation, so the Creator willed that the Fiat He pronounced over me should be in six stages, as with the whole of Creation. The moment I took possession of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, the stages in me ended and the complete life of the Divine Will began in my soul. Oh, to what divine heights the Most High placed me!

The Celestial Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit loved ardently to hold me in their arms to cherish their little daughter. In an excess of love for me, the Most Holy Trinity said to me: "Beloved daughter, our love for you will be overwhelming if we do not tell you our secrets. Therefore, we make you our secretary. We want to entrust you with our sorrows and our decrees. Whatever the price, we want to save man. See how he is heading towards the precipice. [...] He deviates from the ways of his Creator and drags himself through the earth in weakness, sickness and all vices.

There is no other way to save him than by the descent to Earth of the Eternal Word who will take on his human appearance, with his miseries and sins. The Eternal Word will become his brother, will conquer him through love and suffering; he will give him so much confidence that he will bring him back into our fatherly arms. Oh! how the fate of man afflicts us! Our sorrow is immense and we cannot entrust the task to anyone else. Not having the Divine Will within him, man can understand neither our sufferings nor the grave wickedness of man fallen into sin.

To you who possess our Divine Will, it is given to understand this. Therefore, as our secretary, we want to reveal our secrets to you and put in your hands the scepter of command so that you can dominate and rule everything. Your dominion will be able to convince God and men and bring them back to us as our regenerated children in your maternal Heart."

Who could say, my dear daughter, what my Heart felt at these divine words? An intense suffering came over me and I resolved, at the risk of my life, to conquer God and creatures, and to reunite them."

Luisa Piccarreta

In The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will (Excerpts)

(1) Luisa Piccarreta, also known as the "Little Daughter of the Divine Will", was a Catholic mystic and author whose spirituality centered on union with the Will of God. A process is underway for her beatification.


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