June 20 - Our Lady of Consolation, patron saint of Luxembourg City (Luxembourg)

Former atheist and occultist converted by Mary (I)

Unsplash/Ben White
Unsplash/Ben White

Former atheist and occultist William Toro is a Catholic apologist who spends most of his life defending the faith with theological and philosophical arguments.

But it was not always like this.

A few years ago, he stopped being the leader of an atheist association he founded. He instead practiced the occult and tried convincing believers that God was evil. 

[...] In a YouTube interview with Father Byron Cadmen’s “A Millennial Priest,” Toro told his conversion story, leaving a positive message for all those who are far from God.

During a more than hour-long conversation with Father Byron, Toro narrated important aspects of his life, such as a childhood marked by bullying, an adolescence that led him to rebellions and fights, and a youth that found him militant in atheism.

After a long period of studying leading atheist philosophers, he found interest in the occult. Thus, it was already difficult for him to accept that the world was reduced only to the material. However, his interest did not turn precisely to God, but to witchcraft.

He turned to occult practices, dabbled in magic, casted spells. Amid that confusion, however, he discovered love. This was his first step towards God.

“I met my beautiful wife (she was not my wife at the time) and God allowed her to move away from the faith, [and] find me. When we began living a courtship outside of God’s ways, she became pregnant with our son,” Toro says.

While carrying her baby, his girlfriend turned back to God without telling Toro.

“With her family, they formed a prayer group, in which for some time, they prayed the rosary and asked for my conversion,” Toro explains. (To be continued)

Andres Jaromezuk, March 20, 2023


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