June 10 - Our Lady of St. Luke (Italy, 1857)

The Rosary obtains the permanent healing of a chronic illness

At the Marian shrine of Schoenstatt Mont Sion Gikungu, in Burundi, pilgrims from different parts of the capital city of Bujumbura or from neighboring dioceses, or even from distant cities, flock to and fill the small shrine of the Mother Thrice Admirable. 

Many graces and blessings, even healings are obtained in this shrine. The present testimonial was shared with us by Mrs. Lyse Frances Gakima. It is a testimony of healing, as a result of entrusting oneself to the Virgin Mary:

"I want to testify how the Virgin Mary obtained my healing from a chronic illness that made me extremely weak since I was very young: it was as if I had a permanent cold! During crises, I had severe headaches, blew my nose every three minutes and I was so sick that I couldn't go to school. I had tried all the medications the doctors prescribed, but they didn't work. It kept me from being able to function socially and academically. I spent almost every week in bed. No doctor could find a cure for my illness!

One day, a friend told me that the only chance for me was to go to the Virgin Mary at the Marian shrine in Schoenstatt Mount Sion Gikungu. I wondered how I was going to appeal to the Virgin Mary since I never prayed the Rosary. Little by little, I learned to pray it and I began to visit the shrine regularly, asking the Virgin Mary to intercede for me. During the first two months of praying the Rosary, my colds became less frequent and after three months of praying the Rosary, the colds were gone and haven't returned! I am completely cured.

I would like to thank the Virgin Mary and especially her Son Jesus Christ, from the bottom of my heart, for having given me the joy and happiness of being in good health today, and as we say in Kirundi: "Uwushimye aba yongeje" (literally, he who says "thank you", asks for more).”

Lyse’s testimonial was written down by author Diomède Mujojoma



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