July 29 - Saint Martha, hostess of the Lord - Pope Callistus III orders the Angelus bell to be rung three times a day (1456)

French mystic Marthe Robin (1) on her relationship with Jesus and Mary

iStock/Getty Images Plus/Oleksandr Hryvul.
iStock/Getty Images Plus/Oleksandr Hryvul.

"I live off Jesus, in Jesus, through Mary, in the Trinity! Jesus is the soul of my life, the life of my soul, and it is in union and love in perfect communion of existence with Him that I can love everything, suffer everything... and keep silent about everything." (March 29, 1932).

"Who could ever, in a luminous writing, give a glimpse to ordinary souls... of the inexpressible joy of being, through Mary, the Virgin Most Pure, truly united with the divine Trinity?" (April 16, 1932).

"When, in my never crucified enough nature, I feel a shudder of fear coming, I quickly snuggle into the tenderly maternal arms of the Blessed Virgin, and there on her Heart, I gently make an act of love and abandonment to the three Divine Persons of the Holy Trinity." (January 1, 1930)

Excerpts from a talk by Father Dominique Bostyn on "Marthe Robin and Father de Montfort" (2004 International Conference in Saint-Laurent -sur Sèvre)

(1) Marthe Robin (1902-1981) was a French Catholic mystic who lived in the Drôme (France). She was declared venerable in November 2014 by Pope Francis.

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