January 1 - Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

Mary, model of all peacemakers

Since 1968, on the initiative of Pope Paul VI, January 1st has been dedicated to prayer for world peace. First, we pray for the silencing of arms so that the money spent on wars may be given to the poorest. We also ask for peace in our relationships, so that love can prevail over being right all the time.

In associating the Mother of God with the prayer for peace today, we are given the first key to living healthy relationships among ourselves this year. Mary is a model to look up to, to pray to, in order to become "peacemakers". We will find the right attitude to have and will produce fruits if we follow the path of humility. What is important is to work on one's own heart, to be docile to the Holy Spirit, and not fall into the trap of activism.

At the beginning of this year, a small book we received gave us the second key to attain peace: “Living our relationships in peace” (Vivre nos relations dans la paix) by Father Paul Dollié, published by Éditions des Béatitudes. The author transcribes for us the words that can be heard in our parishes, rectories, and homes to show us that even Christians sometimes follow war paths rather than peaceful words without realizing it.

Father Dollié humorously provides many insights into human relationships. He talks about conflict management, the origin of backbiting, and exploitative relationships. One important element is the practice of inviting feedback, which is having the courage to ask others, following guiding principles, for a word of truth about our work, our life or our words. Feedback is a very simple habit, but one that can transform our year if we know how to use it.

The Mary of Nazareth Editorial Staff

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