February 23 - Saint Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna and martyr (d. 155) - Wigratzbad apparitions of Our Beloved Lady, Mother of Victory to Antonie Radler and Cäcilia Geyer (Germany, 1936-1938 - approved devotion)

A miraculous cure in Medjugorje

© krysi@, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
© krysi@, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Against a doctor's advice, I traveled to Croatia in September 2006 with some friends. A week before, I had injured myself by tripping over a large tree stump in the woods. I could hardly pick myself up after this fall. A big egg-shaped swelling appeared on my shin. I applied ice and salves, lay down etc. but ended up seeing a doctor as the appearance of my leg didn’t improve. It was black, and the doctor said it would take 2-3 months to heal. He advised me not to fly.

Everyone else around me was worried about me flying too, so I wore  compression stockings. I was in excruciating pain during the whole flight and walked very slowly for two days afterwards. On the third day, we stopped in Medjugorje (Bosnia-Herzegovina), of which I knew nothing. Unable to follow my friends into the church, I waited outside on a bench next to a large statue of the risen Christ coming out of the tomb, at the end of the Stations of the Cross. A friend told me to wait there because of my difficulty walking.

I noticed that everyone touched the statue of Christ with a handkerchief (his knee has been oozing some liquid for years in a totally unexplained way). I got into a line of a dozen people, took the tissue I had in my pocket and passed it over Christ. I went back to my bench, now in even greater pain, and thought: “What do I have to lose?” So I passed that tissue over my shin a few times.

When my friend came back, I told her what I did... Then in the bus on our way back, I noticed that the pain had lessened and that my leg was not as black. The night passed without pain and the next morning my leg looked almost normal! The two friends with whom I was rooming couldn't believe it! We will never forget what happened.




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