December 22 - Italy: Our Lady of the Milk (Italy)

Prayer is the living heart of political action


After fleeing the world, Saint Bruno founded the Carthusian order. For almost a thousand years, despite history's upheavals, his sons have maintained an uninterrupted flow of prayer, without which the world would have collapsed long ago. “Stat Crux dum volvitur orbis” (note: motto of the Carthusians, "The Cross is steady while the world turns"). The Cross is the only possible foundation stone for a lasting civilization.

Our Lady of the Rosary enabled the victory of Lepanto over the far superior Turkish fleet when, at the request of St. Pius V, the great Dominican Pope, the whole of Christendom begged the Virgin to bring about this victory.

Prayer is not the opposite of political action. On the contrary, it is the necessary condition for the latter's lasting effectiveness. Effective political action can only be supported by prayer. 

And, in the reverse (but not symmetrically, for the spiritual and the temporal are not of the same order), if we choose total consecration to prayer, like Saint Bruno or Saint Benedict, we are also preparing the fruits of temporal civilization. The monks in the time of barbarian invasions had hardly any temporal project, but the most beautiful civilization ever born under heaven was born in their cloisters.

May we be as determined to pray for the restoration of Christian France (Editor's note: and of Christian nations) as our forefathers were in praying for the victory of the Christian fleet!

Guillaume de Thieulloy, of Le Salon Beige

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