August 23 - Estelle Faguette, seer of the Pellevoisin apparition (France, d. 1929)

Thank you Mary, our best advocate!

Unsplash/Joshua Davis
Unsplash/Joshua Davis

As I am taking a friend with me to Bargemon (1), where the miracle of the Virgin Mary's apparition took place in 1635 (a forgotten apparition that is enjoying renewed popularity), with my "wheelbarrow" of prayer intentions to deliver to her, I wanted to give thanks to our heavenly Mother!

At the foot of the painting of Mary, so young and beautiful, in the village church of Bargemon, I promised a mother to pray for her 48-year-old son Michel, who has been on dialysis for 6 years, and I left this intention in the book of petitions and thanksgivings. On my way out, I felt very hopeful and stopped to chat with a "miraculously healed" man at the reception desk.

Two weeks later, Michel's mom was looking out for me on the path, teary-eyed, to tell me that my mission was a success! She received a phone call at 4:30 a.m., telling her that a compatible kidney with an urgent transplant was waiting for Michel at 7:30 a.m. in Nice! There was a mad scramble to find an ambulance and so on. All went well, and Michel was soon able to go home, with follow-up care and visits showing that the kidney's natural functions had returned!

What a joy! The mother is still amazed, so I invited her to thank Our Lady of Bargemon and to draw closer to the Lord, to show her gratitude to Him! I myself returned to Bargemon to thank Mary. "Ask and you shall receive" Scripture says (Luke 11: 9). O Lord Our God, how great is your Name throughout the universe! Thank you, Mary, our best advocate!

M. M. D., May 17, 2023 

Testimonial shared with Mary of Nazareth

(1) Notre Dame de Bargemon is a Marian shrine in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region of Southeastern France.

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