April 25 - St. Mark the Evangelist - Marienfried apparitions of Mary the Great Mediatrix of Graces to Bärbel Ruess (Germany, 1946)

"In Lourdes, Mary healed my daughter's heart"

© Lawrence OP via Flickr
© Lawrence OP via Flickr

Veronika, a Polish woman, became paralyzed after a back operation at the age of 45. Her friend Nathalie testified about their visit to Lourdes together:

"Veronika is a friend of mine. She is full of life, intrepid, joyful, and full of projects. She has suffered from a bad back for several years and has undergone several operations and complicated recovery periods. The last operation was disastrous. She woke up paralyzed: she had no sensations in her legs and could not stand or walk anymore. For her, so athletic, it was a nightmare. For her family too.

A year later, she was still in denial. "I'm going to get better, I'm going to find a surgeon who can operate on me." Living on the 4th floor without an elevator, she refused the solutions her husband suggested: selling their apartment in Krakow and their country house to look for a flat outside the city. Exhausted by a trying year, her husband agreed to let her come visit in the south of France for a month to rest and give her family a break.

On this occasion, she hoped to meet a French surgeon who would accept to operate on her. I facilitated that appointment, but the verdict was that since the spinal cord had been severed, she had no chance of walking again.

"There is only one chance left: a miracle. Let's go to Lourdes!”

With other friends, we left in the early morning for Lourdes. When we arrived at the pools, there was such a crowd that the staff refused to let us in. But seeing the despairing look on Veronika's face, the volunteer let her sign up as the last person before closing time. I went with her!

At the end of this experience of faith and abandonment, we all felt a strong emotion. The four of us cried, because something had happened in Veronika's heart. Carried like the cripple of Capernaum by four friends to Lourdes, she had received from Mary the grace to accept her infirmity. Her heart received the strength to accept this new life and the necessary changes, sustained by the love of her husband and children.

When Veronika returned to Krakow, her mother, who had prayed so much for her, saw her arrive at the airport and immediately knew that something had happened. "I know that in Lourdes, Mary healed my daughter's heart." "

Nathalie, a friend of Veronika and member of the Global Network 


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