April 20 - Our Lady of Sorrows (Peru, 1906)

“My life has changed since I began praying the Perpetual Rosary for the World”

On October 30, 2021, I saw my friend Irene after a gap of 20 years. She told me about the Perpetual Rosary for the World. I was immediately inspired: I felt the real impact it could have on our world.

In fact, when I got home that night, I could hear the words "perpetual Rosary, perpetual Rosary" ring in my head, like a persistent thought. So I went to take a rosary from the collection hanging in my room, which I never used. I chose one, put it next to my bed, and that evening I began to pray with it.

Another important thing happened after I learned about the Perpetual Rosary. Since Covid and all the harsh restrictions the government imposed on the population, something was weighing on my heart, and hadn't left me since last July. But as soon as I learned about the Perpetual Rosary for the World, this weight that was crushing me mentally and physically, began to be lifted, and then it completely disappeared through prayer... It has not returned since.

The day after that meeting, as Irene had suggested, I went to the website of the Perpetual Rosary. I read the testimonial of a certain Catherine, who received the vision of the protective rosary from the Virgin Mary on September 21, 2020... which happens to be my birthday!

Since that day of October 30, driven by an inner call, I have been praying the Perpetual Rosary for the World at least every night, with my own little rosary. This very simple and perfect prayer says it with few words. Through its purity and its source, may it preserve us from the dangers that surround us, and free us in truth, unity and respect for all life.


Régine, Chambéry, November 11, 2021


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