September 19 – Our Lady Reconciler of Sinners of La Salette (France, 1846)

The words of Heaven are not merely words (I)

© Tylwyth Eldar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Sanctuaire de Notre-Dame de La Salette
© Tylwyth Eldar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Sanctuaire de Notre-Dame de La Salette

In a letter dated December 26, 1870, Melanie Calvat, to whom the Virgin Mary appeared on the mountain of La Salette, explained how the messages of the Holy Virgin enlightened her:

"There are people who wish that the Virgin had not spoken so much. It is a pity that they are so stingy towards a poor shepherdess who wishes with all her heart that all had seen and heard what she saw and heard for half an hour, because all would have been converted... And those who say that the Blessed Virgin usually does not speak so much, would have better understood that what the books teach - if you can find any that teach that - is that the words of Heaven are not merely words: what I mean is, the person who listens to them does not stop at the letter, or at the word itself. Instead, each word expands, and the future action is shown at the same moment, and one sees a thousand and one thousand times more than what their ears hear. 

One rises to a height that is not Heaven, and perhaps one does not even move; but one sees and hears everything, one understands without saying anything, and one forgets oneself entirely. And, without wanting it, one enters the spirit of the scenes that are shown: that is, if it is a sad scene, one is sad, if it is a happy scene, one is happy, one feels joy. One sees plots being made; one sees kings of the Earth, each of whom has several guardian angels: one sees them being agitated, doing and undoing; one sees the jealousy of some, the ambition of others, etc. And all this in a single word that escapes from the lips of the Virgin Mary, who makes hell tremble. 

Yes, if these people had once seen someone from Heaven, they would not say that the spirit who spoke to them did not say many things; rather, they would say that it is impossible for them to say all that they know."


Letter from the seer Melanie to Father Félicien Bliard, dated December 26, 1870, reported in the book Découverte du Secret de La Salette by Fr. Laurentin and Fr. Corteville - Fayard 2002

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