September 12 - The Holy Name of Mary

"Mary led me to her Son"

"I was born in 1954, a Marian year. My father died unexpectedly when I was 14, and from that time I rejected life. I endured it painfully, saying to God, "Why did you create me?" It was hope that kept me going, because I still had a little bit of faith.

My mother was doing her best to help me, but in 1987, when she practically gave up trying, the Virgin Mary, my heavenly mother, took over. In fact 1987-1988 was also a Marian year! I decided to take care of myself and in no time I was reborn, thanks to Mary. I began thanking God for creating me!

In 2013, the Year of Faith, I signed up for a retreat at a Foyer de Charité. As I had asked Mary to go on this retreat with me, she led me to her Son. What a wonderful retreat! I had a personal encounter with Jesus that led me to know him and love him more. I then did a training course in spiritual direction at a Jesuit formation center in Quebec City and today by the grace of God I help people to experience God's love.

I give glory to God and I thank Mother Mary who leads us to her beloved Son.


L. C.

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth on December 27, 2021


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