September 4 – Our Lady of the Good Shepherd (Italy) – Blessed Catherine of Racconigi (1487-1547)

Mary asked this nun to give her her heart

© Auteur inconnu, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
© Auteur inconnu, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Blessed Catherine of Racconigi (1487-1540), whose feast day is celebrated on September 4, was a member of the Third Order of St. Dominic (O.P.). Catherine Mattei was born in the Piedmont region of Northwest Italy, in 1487, into an impoverished family. Her father was a tool-maker and her mother a weaver. 

At the age of five, Catherine had visions of Jesus, Mary, and other saints, including St. Catherine of Siena. She also had frequent ecstasies.

In 1499, she saw the Blessed Virgin "dressed in a robe of silver cloth" with a "diamond" on her forehead, accompanied by the Child Jesus.  The apparition asked her to give her her heart. "I don't know where it is," the little girl replied. "If you find it, I'll give it to you!" The Child Jesus said to her, "I espouse you in faith, hope, and charity." 

Later, Catherine joined the Order of Preachers as a tertiary. Her visions became more frequent, and she received the stigmata. Throughout these apparitions, Jesus as a child grew along with Catherine, who led a life of penance and expiation. 

Throughout her life, Catherine was visited by many people seeking spiritual advice and prayers. 

Rejected by her entourage, she died in exile in Caramagna, Piedmont. Bishop John Juvenal Ancina (d.1604), bishop of Saluces, opened the process for her beatification, which took place in 1810.


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