October 26 - Beatification of Bartolo Longo, apostle of the Rosary, by John Paul II who quoted him five times in his apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae

With Our Lady, let us ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten us

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Today is Wednesday, the day in which we pray the glorious mysteries. Let us meditate on the 3rd glorious mystery, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles (Acts 1.14 - 2.47), whose fruit is the descent of the Holy Spirit into our souls.

The Easter season ends with the feast of Pentecost, celebrating the mystery of the descent of the Holy Spirit on Mary and the Apostles. This gift of the Holy Spirit was intended for them first and, through them, for the whole Church. Jesus prayed for this mission of the Holy Spirit: "I will pray to the Father and he will give you a Helper" (Jn 14: 16-17). He promised his Apostles to send the Holy Spirit to them. By his sacrifice, Jesus earned this gift for us, whose purpose is to perfect the establishment of the Church and of our spiritual life.

Within the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the Love that unites the Father and the Son. He is especially credited with all the works of union. In Mary, it is through Him that the Incarnation was accomplished. Our Creed teaches us that Jesus "was conceived of the Holy Spirit". In us, the Holy Spirit is like the soul of our soul, the principle of our spiritual life. It is actually through Him that the life of grace begun at Baptism can reach its fullness.

With Our Lady, let us ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to us and to increase in us charity and apostolic zeal. "Come, Spirit of truth, illuminate our minds so that in our hearts the fire of love, of which you are the infinite source, may be kindled."

"Pour into us, Lord, your spirit of charity, that we may through you live in mutual understanding."

Meditation by a monk of Fontgombault Abbey (a Benedictine monastery of the Solesmes Congregation located in the département of Indre, in the province of Berry, France)

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