October 25 - Consecration of Toledo Cathedral to Mary (Spain, 1075)

Let us ask Mary for patience in trials

©Bernard Blanc via Flickr.
©Bernard Blanc via Flickr.

Today is Tuesday, the day in which we pray the sorrowful mysteries. Let us meditate on the 4th sorrowful mystery, the carrying of the Cross, whose fruit is patience in times of trial.

"A large crowd of people followed Jesus, including many women who mourned and lamented him." (Lk 23:27)

Under the weight of the Cross that tore his shoulder, Jesus fell three times.  From earth to heaven, the pilgrimage is rough and perilous, and we often fall. Because he atoned for all falls, let us put our hand in Jesus' and walk without fear.  In difficult situations and relationships, we will always find him close to us. Let us look at him with the eyes of our heart, and ask him for strength and advice, as he will never fail us.  Jesus opens the way for us, for it is with him alone that we will find the strength to get back on our feet and keep going: "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." (Mat. 11:28)


A Meditation by Sister Bernaud and the Honor Guard of the Sacred Heart

Note: Formed as an Association of the Faithful, the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart began on March 13th, 1863, at the Monastery of the Visitation of Holy Mary at Bourg-en-Bresse, France. The result of much hard work on the part of Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud, the Guard of Honor quickly spread throughout the whole world. It focuses on the Hour of Watch, which consists in choosing an hour and offering it each day to the Heart of Jesus, without changing our ordinary activities (work) and uniting the offering of our daily life to the offering of the Blood and the Water that sprang forth from the Wound of Jesus' Heart.


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