November 19 - Feast of Mary Seyom (Ethiopian Church)

"I saw the souls fall in tight groups"

In this month of November, a month dedicated to praying for the deceased, let us meditate on this message from the Virgin Mary to Sister Josefa Menendez.

"My daughter, I come to tell you, in the name of Jesus, the glory that you have given today to his Heart.... Understand that whatever he allows you to see or suffer in hell, is not only to purify you, but also for you to let your Mothers know. Do not think of yourself, but only of the glory of the Heart of Jesus and the salvation of many souls."

Indeed, the devil was trying to deceive Josefa by multiplying his tricks and threats, while the torments of hell filled her nights. She was reluctant to tell everything she saw and heard in this abyss of pain, because her soul was so shocked by it.

However, she decided to do it and the Blessed Virgin appeared to her on Wednesday, October 25, 1922, to tell her that this was really part of God's plan for her.

Her nights continued to be spent in this torment, and on November 5, Josefa painfully wrote: "I saw the souls falling in tight groups.... There are moments when it is impossible to calculate their number!"

Excerpt from The Way of Divine Love, recording the messages of Jesus to Sister Josefa Menéndez (1)

Sister Josefa Menéndez (1890-1923) was a Spanish nun who lived in the convent of Les Feuillants in Poitiers, France. She had mystical visions that she recorded in the book Un Llamamiento al Amor (A Call to Love), one of the major works of modern mysticism, published in France by Apostolat de la prière in Toulouse.

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