May 16 – Saint Simon Stock, recipient of the Brown Scapular given to him by Mary herself (1164-1265)

Mary Undoer of Knots helps married couples

I live on one of the main islands in Japan.

After Christmas 2018, I visited a Japanese nun. We talked about little everyday things. During that conversation, she introduced me to the prayer of Mary Undoer of Knots. I think she may have been reminded of this prayer because I was wearing a knitted sweater, which I had made myself! She told me that the "knots" signified the difficulties and complicated problems in our lives and that we could ask our Mother Mary to undo them. I had the intuition that this prayer was meant especially for married couples.

I actually read a little later an article about this devotion in a monthly magazine published by the Salesians called "Katorikku Seikatsu", The Catholic Life, of August 2013, that this was the case. Originally, this prayer saved a couple from divorce.

In my past, I loved a married man. Our love was sincere, but it did cause some serious difficulties in his marriage. It has been my cross ever since, but I do manage to pray with all my heart for the good of this man and his wife. I may be the cause of the knots in their relationship, but I pray to our Mother Mary to rid me of my selfishness.

Of course, I admit that this is a sacrifice for me, but I am sure that our Mother never abandons her children and that she will help me to stay on this path. Her hands are constantly at work, driven by the divine Love and the infinite Mercy of the Lord. As I recite this prayer to Mary Undoer of Knots , I am receiving a deep consolation, like a child near her Mother.

Testimonial from the blog "Cheminons avec Marie qui défait les nœuds" (Let's walk with Mary who Unties Knots). (Translated)

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