June 23 – Madonna del Ardesio (Italy, 1607)

"Now I know who my Mother is!"

I am eager to share with you the story of my encounter with Mary, the Mother of God.

I used to not care much about Mary, even though my mother had a great devotion to her - for a good reason: when she was young, in 1940 (before the war), she had been healed in Lourdes!

We all had a statue of the Virgin Mary in our rooms... But I didn't care... We often went to Banneux in Belgium (Mariette Bécot, the visionary of this place of apparition, was the same age as my mother). I didn't care either... In short, I was not close to Mary at all!

I entered a Carmelite convent... and after 22 years as a Carmelite in France, the prioress sent me... to Nazareth! Yes, I arrived there in 2007 and joined the Carmel of Nazareth, at the age of 52!

Before entering the Carmel of Nazareth, I did a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Nazareth and to the place where Mary said "Yes" to the announcement of the angel Gabriel. And it was there that everything changed for me: while I was kneeling before her little altar, Mary moved me profoundly by making me understand her "Yes". Then I understood that it is especially through her "yes" that we give our personal "yes"! Because Mary said "yes" not only to give birth to Jesus, God himself, but also to give birth to us for God.

When I am faced with difficulties, I use Mary's "Yes"! This has become a habit for me! I went through very hard times that I have been able to bear thanks to Mary, thanks to her "Yes". Now I know who my Mother is! My earthly mother must be jubilant in her eternity and say to the Mother of all: "My daughter has finally understood who you are!"

Mariam L, Rennes, France.

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth on March 2, 2022

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