January 30 – Saint John Chrysostom (d. 407) in Eastern liturgy

Mary's unique participation in our Salvation

"You are predestined from all eternity to save by your mercy those whom your Son's justice can no longer save," wrote St. John Chrysostom to the Virgin Mary. She is obviously not more merciful than her Son, but she participates in the divine mercy in a unique way, as the Mother of the incarnate Word.

Quoted by Berlendus Elogia

Virginis Deiparae


If a Jew asks you how the Virgin could give birth, answer him this: How can a virgin soil grow plants? Indeed, in Hebrew "Eden" means virgin land. A virgin drove us out of paradise; thanks to another virgin we have found eternal life.

St. John Chrysostom (1)


As he was born from the inviolate womb of the Virgin, so he rose from the closed tomb. Just as his birth did not cause the Virgin Mary to lose her virginity, so his resurrection did not break the seals of the tomb.

St. John Chrysostom

(1) St. John Chrysostom (+ 407) was Archbishop of Constantinople. He is considered one of the Fathers of the Church. His eloquence is at the origin of his nickname "Chrysostom" which means "with a golden mouth".

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