January 19 – Our Lady of Gimont (Toulouse, France) – 3rd apparition in Banneux (Belgium, 1933)

Visitors have been praying to the Virgin of Alet since the 12th century

The chapel of Notre-Dame d'Alet is located in the village of Montaigut-sur-Save, 20 km northwest of Toulouse in southern France.

Devotion to Our Lady of Alet began in the 12th century following an apparition of the Virgin Mary to a farmer named Raymond. The first chapel was visited by Saint Dominic, the famous founder of the Order of Friars Preachers, in 1213. 

During the 16th century, the fierce conflicts between Catholics and Protestants during the wars of religion brought about the destruction of the chapel of Alet, which was fortunately rebuilt in 1673.

Pilgrims arrived in great numbers from all over the region, and the shrine was expanded with a chapel and a cloister.

During the French Revolution, the revolutionary committee intended to demolish the chapel once again, but the villagers strongly opposed that plan and managed to save it. The chapel was eventually restored in the 19th century with the addition of the entrance porch.

Notre-Dame d'Alet is now classified as a historical monument, and the visitors who come to pray for the intercession of Our Lady or through the intercession of Raymond the seer, continue to obtain many graces.

Library of Marian Writings

Source : Toulouse Aujourd'hui

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