February 14 –Our Lady of Roses of Pellevoisin (France, 1876) - 2nd apparition in Lourdes

The Sovereign Power of the Rosary

Ernest Psichari (1), the famous grandson of Ernest Renan (2), a colonial artillery officer, distinguished author and Catholic convert who died in the first month of the Great War of 1914-18 with his rosary on his wrist, had written:

"What would become of me if I did not have the divine consolation of the Rosary? I can no longer skip saying a whole rosary each day. Its sovereign power plunges me into an ever-renewed abyss of adoration and gratitude." (Vie Spirituelle, April 1936)

The story of his conversion can be read in his famous book Le Voyage du centurion.

Translated and adapted from: 


(1) Ernest Psichari was a French officer and writer. A lieutenant in the colonial troops, he wrote several autobiographical works. He converted to Catholicism toward the end of his life, fought in Belgium during the First World War and died at the age of 30.

(2) Ernest Renan (1823-1892), was an agnostic French writer, philologist, philosopher and historian. Interested in science, he adhered to Darwinism.


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