August 31 – Orthodox Feast of the Placing of the Belt of the Virgin in Chalcoprateia (Constantinople)

The devil trembles when we say the rosary

© Marin-Lavigne, Louis Stanislas (1797-1860), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. La très Sainte Vierge, dite au Chapelet
© Marin-Lavigne, Louis Stanislas (1797-1860), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. La très Sainte Vierge, dite au Chapelet

I would like to share with you what happened to me in 2016 in Madagascar. Before that, I used to pray my rosary somewhat mechanically, without knowing its power. I was sick that year, and stopped praying my rosary. My family washed me every day with gris-gris instead of taking me to the hospital, as people often do here.  I was eventually hospitalized for 15 days, without being able to go to Mass or pray the rosary.

When I was released from the hospital, it was May, the month of Mary. My grandmother is a member of the Daughters of Mary and I was able to pray the rosary with her.

We began by the Creed, then the Our Father, and when we got to the Hail Mary, I began to shake, as if I was going to go into a trance; I almost left, but I resisted the temptation of fear that came from the devil and I continued my prayer by throwing myself into the Heart of Mary. Then, all of a sudden, my fear completely disappeared!

This shows how the devil trembles when we pray the rosary!


H. K.

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth on June 14, 2022

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