August 12 - St. Jane Frances de Chantal (d. 1641) - Our Lady of La Motte (Vesoul, France, 1854)

Mary was with me in the doctor’s office

I was treated for heart disease for years. My chest pains were getting more frequent and worse. About 3 weeks ago I had a more serious attack and thought that I wouldn’t need a doctor this time, but a priest. I really felt like I was going to die. A priest came and gave me the sacrament of the sick. The next day I felt better! I was brought back to life!

A few days later, I went to the hospital to see my cardiologist. The night before, I had spent the whole night praying with the Virgin Mary and saying the Rosary. When I woke up, I felt fine. In the morning I received a text message from one of my friends quoting the hymn to Mary: "Look at the star, call upon Mary, if you follow her you will not fear!"

During the visit the doctor was baffled: the exam did not show anything alarming. He decided to stop my treatment. Since then, my health has improved. I am starting to live normally again.

Mary was with me in the doctor’s office and inspired him to stop this medication that was slowly poisoning me! Mary has been with me for many years, more like forever: she has accompanied me through the many joyful and painful events of life. 

Thank you, Mary, for being my Mom!

M. H. Orléans, France

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth on March 2, 2022

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