August 7 – Feast of Our Lady of Los Reyes (Seville, Spain)

Our Lady of the Kings, the "Virgen de los Reyes"

© Ubayrbd, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
© Ubayrbd, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Virgen de los Reyes is the patron saint of Seville, Spain (Andalusia). She is celebrated on August 15, feast of the Assumption, with a large procession through the streets of the city.

Her statue is kept in the Royal Chapel of the Seville Cathedral, the largest Gothic cathedral in the world. There is an Association of the Faithful of Our Lady of the Kings, founded in 1905, especially dedicated to her. Her statue was canonically crowned in 1904, and was the first Marian image to achieve this distinction in Andalusia. 

According to tradition, Our Lady of the Kings had a miraculous origin: it was brought by angels, and gifted to King Ferdinand III of Castile by King Louis IX of France (St. Louis, cousin of the Castilian king). Historians also report that this statue accompanied the Spanish troops during the Reconquest of Spain against the Mahometans.


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