August 2 – Feast of Our Lady of the Porziuncola, “Our Lady of the Angels” (Italy)

The day Mary arrived, a cease-fire was declared

In his book The Fatima Century: How the Pilgrim Virgin is Changing Our Generation, Thomas McKenna presents several extraordinary stories of graces received from God through Our Lady, in places where the famous pilgrim Virgin of Fatima has traveled in the last seventy years.

For example, in the northwest region of India terrible killings and a long-drawn sectarian war occurred after the country was partitioned in 1947. This was not a Christian conflict, but nevertheless a group of the Blue Army of Mary brought a pilgrim statue of Fatima to that country. The very day it arrived, a cease-fire was declared!

Was this just a coincidence? It may have been. But the day the pilgrims carried the statue on a flower-covered train to the border between the two countries, the two warring factions signed a lasting peace treaty. It was not the statue itself that obtained this grace, of course, but the force residing behind it: the " Woman clothed with the sun" (Rev. 12:1) who unties all the knots of human problems when her children ask for her help.

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